Biohof Untergröber transparent 02

Forecast for South Tyrol


Today's weather

Very sunny
A high pressure field will remain over the Alps. Very sunny weather with only a few passing high clouds. A cold east wind will still blow in the Pustertal. Minimum temperatures low, maximum between -2° and +7°.

Mountain weather

Very sunny
A high pressure field will remain over the Alps. Conditions on the mountains will be very good with excellent visibility. The wind weakens and it gets a little milder.

The next days

Mostly sunny
More intense cloudiness will arrive from the north on Wednesday. In the south, the weather will remain generally sunny. In the valleys of the border ridge, the foehn wind will blow. On Thursday, sunshine will dominate with generally clear skies. Friday's weather will also be very sunny with often clear skies. No major changes in weather conditions are expected on Saturday. Sunny skies will dominate for most of the day.
